Sunday, November 25, 2007



Probably my youngest baby this year for Christmas Portraits. I think I had another scheduled that was younger, but her mommy cancelled when the weather turned out yucky. I have photographed Lydia's big sister since she was just a few weeks old. Well, now she has just turned three and we all now how 2 and 3 years old can be...
But after much bribing and begging we did get some with both girls:


Hallie and her mommy & daddy
Yes, I do photograph grown-ups too.

Maddie & McKenzie

Baby sister wasn't in a smiling mood, but I still had some favorites of these girls that weren't all cheese and smiles...

The ornaments on the trees were brought by their mommy. Their personal touch to their Christmas Portraits.

Allie, Caleb and Anna

I love the fact their their mom chose to go pastel for their holiday portrait. I have done a holiday greeting card for my children since my first child was two. So I have often tried to think of different color and ideas so that each year isn't red and green. I love, love this idea and I even had the bright-pastel ornament that I bought because I had bought the outfits for Emma and Natalie that had some of these colors as well.

Ashlee & Austin
There's another one of them...though I think this one was the best and the only one that Ashlee really gave us a sweet smile. The other image is listed below. I am not so good at this blog stuff that I can move images as I want them to be post if I don't get it correct when I post it the first time...unless I delete the whole thing...which I didn't want to do. Obviously, I meant to have both images of these children posted together.
Jenae' and Jeffrey

We obviously hit the baby's good mood for the day. He was a happy fellow and we were lucky to have a smiling big sister too. Often, when we are worried that the baby won't be cooperative, it turns out the older siblings doesn't. Thanks, Jenae' and Jeffrey for doing such a good job.
The baby boys always want to throw them!
Ashlee and Austin again..the other one I mentioned. Even without a smile Ashlee is such an adorable child with her handsome big brother.


LeeAnn and Mac

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