Thursday, May 7, 2009


SEE WHAT I MEAN... Michael and Nicholas (above image)

walking several months before his first birthday...

Can you say handsome...

Babies always love to eat the grass and clovers. This little guy was no exception as you can see here. I think that is clover flower in his mouth.

What a beautiful face!


I haven't been able to work much the last few weeks. I have been on Mimi Duty and as some of you may know, my little sweetheart requires lots of my time when she is around. Today I was planning on doing lots of work from blogging to editing to housework, but my body had different ideas. I woke up with one of the worst headaches. After all the MD appointments that I had attended this year (while I am suppose to be working and getting re-organized), it looks like I will be making more if these headaches continue. I don't know if they are migranes are maybe hormonal related. I've done research, but I feel like the only way I will know for sure is try to Migrane meds and if they don't do it I am leaning toward the later. After sleeping the first half of these day in efforts to deal with this pain and since the naseau is better, I thought I would do some of the work that I want to do rather than what I need to do...sometime it is easier to do those things when I feel so yucky like this...though now I am beginning to feel worse again. So who knows.
So back to the blog post, I hope you enjoy these images of these little guys and if I can stand it it may do a few more posts today that I have in mind.
Thanks for viewing.

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